Season 1 Episode 6: Creating Kickass goals for the new decade-2020 and beyond

Season #1 Episode #6

This is the second part of the final podcast for the decade.  We are on the verge of a new decade. Trust you are as excited as Dr. Eno is. You may be familiar with .how to create SMART goals. It's an acronym that stands for :

  • S-Specific 
  • M-Measurable
  • A-Achievable 
  • R- Results in
  • T- Time 

SMART goals are a great place to start. However, Dr. Eno invites listeners to consider stepping outside of their comfort zones in 2020 and beyond and create what she describes as 'Kickass goals'.   'Kickass goals'. Dr, Eno explains are goals you set that when you speak about them or think about them have the capacity to take your breath away because they are HUGE. 

In a light, playful and conversational tone, listen in as she shares some examples of her 'kickass goals'. 

Along the same lines, she invites listeners to also take the time to create a bucket list of 100 things they would like to experience or do over the rest of their lifetime. Remember this show is all about THRIVING into your golden years. Listeners who create 150 or more items on their bucket list will be eligible to win a $10 Amazon gift certificate. 

One of Dr Eno's Kickass goals is to increase the listenership of this podcast so that this message of possibility for women 50 and over is shared globally. 

So call a girlfriend or two and let them know to listen in. Grab your favorite beverage. Sit back and enjoy! Happy New Year.